Everyone always loves to hear new and interesting things about something they are interested in, and ours is definitely Canadian vodka! You will not believe the below 5 neat things known about vodka.
Canadian Vodka Facts:
1. Vodka Means “Little Water”
- The word “vodka” comes from the Slavic word voda, meaning “water,” with the diminutive suffix “-ka” added, translating to “little water.”
2. It’s One of the World’s Oldest Spirits
- Vodka has been distilled for centuries, with origins traced back to Eastern Europe (Russia and Poland) in the 8th or 9th century. Historically, it was used medicinally before becoming a popular beverage.
3. Vodka is Extremely Pure
- Unlike many spirits, vodka is distilled to a very high alcohol content (up to 95%) before being diluted, making it nearly neutral in flavour and free of impurities. This purity is why it’s often called a “blank canvas” for cocktails.
4. It Can Be Made From Almost Anything
- While vodka is traditionally made from grains like wheat or rye, it can also be produced from potatoes, corn, grapes, or even fruits. The raw material doesn’t matter as much as the distillation process in defining its flavour.
5. Vodka Has Cultural Significance
- In Russia and Poland, vodka is more than just a drink—it’s part of the culture. It’s traditionally consumed neat and shared during toasts at gatherings, symbolizing friendship, unity, and hospitality.
Did you know about these cool facts about vodka? There will be more to come so keep checking out our blog for new posts 🙂